Welcome to Iron Sharpening Our Sisters Partners in Ministry (ISOSPIM)
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
We are so humbled, honored, grateful and blessed that you to took time to visit our website where we believe in empowering, equipping and sharpening our beloved sisters in Christ and in Ministry, in the true spirit of iron sharpening iron, to complete one another and not compete with one another while building bridges across denominational lines, as Kingdom Builders, to advance the Kingdom of God for His glory. Pastor Carla Servant Leader/Visionary/ Pastor/Teacher/Mentor |
May you have a blessed month of February knowing how much you are loved and appreciated as we celebrate February birthdays, wedding anniversaries as well as lovingly remember those in our thoughts and prayers without ceasing who have lost loved ones during the month of February.
Please click here for more information about us.
Please click here for more information
about our spirit-led networks. |
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![]() Please click here for more information about our Get Ironfit Virtual Bible Book club and click the link below to join: https://bookclubz.com/clubs/16505/join/95f220/ |
Please visit the Irontique, our ministry's online store, for a wide variety of over 25 toolkit departments for gifts for your loved ones and/or yourself by clinking link below theirontique.ironsharpeningoursisters.com Please click here for more information about our spiritual pharmacy.
Please click here for more information about our Ironworkers4Christ (IW4C)
Virtual Church Without Walls for All as Kingdom Builders of bridges across denominational lines to advance the Kingdom of God for His glory. Please click here for more information about our Crowned Jewel Ministries including our Monthly God's Cover Girl
Sow a Seed to help our ministry to grow
We are so humbled by requests of how to sow into our spirit-led ministry for God's Glory.
If you would like to sow a financial seed to help us grow and advance the Kingdom of God as Kingdom Builders for His glory doing effective ministry Jesus's way with a servant's heart, you can do so by clicking the link the below or via the cash app or Paypal as indicated below for which we humbly thank you designating where you would like it planted: Our Cash App
$isospim ~~~ Via Paypal at
paypal.me/ironsharpeningoursis |